Sunday, April 25, 2010

Newton's Law of Motion

Sir Isaac Newton's was born prematurely Christmas day (January 4,1643) in Woolsthrope, England. Newton was fatherless, his mom name was Hanna(Ayscough). Newton childhood was anything but happy. Newton was taken from school to fulfill his birthright as a farmer. Happily he failed in this calling and returned to school. Sir Isaac Newton was an professor,biology, and mathematician. He is famous for his 3 Law's of Motion, which were 1st Law-an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force(Ex:A soccerball stays in it reference point until something or someone moves it),2ndLaw-force applied to an object will cause an object to slow down, speed up, change direction, or start to move(Ex:A man is pushing a car it would be harder to push then a toy car,because it has more mass), and 3rd Law-to every action there is an equal, and opposite reaction(A bird flies by using it wings,the wings of the bird pushes air downward which cause the bird to be pushed upward). But all the science that Newton discovered stayed on earth but sadly Newton did not.. Newton died on March 31,1727.